
Monday, February 20, 2012


I'm so sorry I've been MIA...  During these last two weeks, our family has been through a lot!  Sadly, my father in law lost his battle against cancer and passed away.  My husband and I had to travel to PR for the funeral.  Luckily my parents were/are here in MN visiting us so they stayed here with the kids while we made our sad and short trip to PR.  I never thought I'd cry my father in law's death the way I did and still am.  He was a wonderful man, husband, father and an amazing grandfather!  My kids will miss him terribly and that breaks my heart!  Our loss has really made me think of how lucky we are to have each other, grateful to have a family, great friends and our health.

On another shocking note, we just learned we are being relocated to Texas by the company my husband works for!  When my husband first told me, I felt really shaken up, sad and overwhelmed.  Amazingly, for some strange reason, I'm feeling much better about it, I'm even looking forward to the change and I'm focusing on what's really important for me and my family.  We are grateful my husband has a job on a time like this and even more grateful that it is a promotion, meaning better things and a better quality of life are coming our way.  My husband is a very hard working man and I feel so proud of him!  For this reason, I've decided to be a little selfish about it, I choose to accept, embrace and be happy with this new chapter in our lives. 

Difficult days and weeks lay ahead of me/us but in the end we are going to be ok!  My parents will be here for another week or so, so I will remain MIA for a few more days...I hope you understand!  Thanks for your support!